
Who is running the site?

Aadya's dad and Mom
Until Aadya is able to manage on her own :)

Aadya's Chronicles

This site will chronicle the events in Aadya's life. It will have blog posts, pictures and videos, all focused on Aadya :)

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To Aadya's site

A Chronicle of Aadya's Life

About Aadya

Aadya was born on Sunday, 4th day of August, 2019 in Bangalore. Her parents are Hemanth and Arpitha. Veena and Puttaiah are her paternal grand parents. Her maternal grand parents are Jairam and Veena. Kartik and Nyna are her paternal uncle and aunt. Ankitha and Nithin are her maternal uncle and aunt and Arpitha's siblings. Aadya is also forunate to have a great grandmother Bhagyamma. She is Arpitha's grandmother and is keenly involved in taking care of Aadya. Her parents thought of maintaining this site to chronicle her life.

– Gallery –

This is the Aadya's gallery. Gallery may have pictures and videos in albums.

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