
Sleepless nights with Aadya

Well everyone did say that, you need to say goodbye to your sleep once the baby is born. Well.... it is true! However, the one having sleepless nights is her mother Arpitha. Aadya's sleep schedule as follows:Sleep around 10-11 pm on Arpitha's lapWake up if you put her on the bedShe goes to deep sleep only after an hour or two. Till then Arpitha has to sit and put her on her lapOnce she ... Read the Post

Aadya goes for a walk

Well not literally. She would be in the stroller and we push the stroller while we walk. The Chicco cortina travel system was specially bought for her to provide her with a complete travel system, which would act as a car seat and then can be inserted in the stroller. It includes the stroller and the keyfit 30 car seat. Chicco cortina travel system As of now, its seems she is a bit ... Read the Post

Aadya comes home

Aadya finally come home! After staying at her grand mom's place for the last 6 months, Aadya finally came home along with her mom Arpitha to her dad's family in HSR layout Her mom's family thoroughly misses her, and everyone at her dad's place is overjoyed with her presence. Her dad Hemanth was used to uninterrupted sleep till now. However, he now occasionally wakes up, whenever Aadya ... Read the Post