As you may have gathered from the previous blog, Aadya got her photoshoot done. Along with Aadya, our family photoshoot was also done. The photoshoot was done by husband and wife duo of Karthik and Anushka from Anushkart. They have been our regular go to guys for photoshoots. They have been doing a great job for us. Take a look yourselves. The photoshoot was done at my uncles farm in ... Read the Post
Aadya’s Photoshoot
Aadya’s 2nd month birthday
Aadya celebrated her 2nd month birthday on October 04th, 2019. Aadya's mom Arpitha keeps talking about the changes Aadya is undergoing. Aadya has now started to recognize her mother and wants to be held only by her. Aadya now responds to sounds and lights. She recognizes her mothers voice and intently keeps staring at her. Her mom's only complaint is she does not let her sleep at night. At ... Read the Post