Aadya was born in the year 2019. The year 2020 is the year of the Covid19 pandemic. Owing to the pandemic, the world went into complete lockdown. Lockdown meant a complete lockdown, wherein people are not supposed to go to public places and are restricted to travel. This meant that Aadya was not be to taken on walks and any public places such as parks and malls. She has been restricted to ... Read the Post
Aadya in Covid19 lockdown
Aadya starts crawling
Aadya first learnt to sit and now she has learnt to crawl. At first her crawling speed was manageable for us. However, now her speed has picked up and it is getting difficult for us. We are not wondering what it will be like once she starts walking. Take a look at her crawling We are now awaiting for the day she starts walking and then running :D ... Read the Post
Aadya’s new crib
Aadya was getting big for her cradle. We felt that she needs more space and it is time to shift her to a crib. At first we were skeptical as to whether she will like her crib or not. However, she liked it lot and took to it like fish to water. She likes the additional space and the fact that she can roll and play inside the crib. Getting a crib has helped her reach many milestone. ... Read the Post